


Here are some comments I have received from parishioners, past and present, about this legal action and the state of things in general at Caroline Church. As I did not ask in advance for permission to place these comments on the site, names are being withheld.

  • "They say you are trying to bankrupt the church or have a vendetta against someone." (a present Vestry member)
  • "You are doing God's work" (former parishioner--moved away--whose spouse was a Vestry member)
  • "I have read your 2 recent e-mails and that of Cn. Visconti's; I applaud your actions and you have my complete support to reestablish the Churchyard and Remembrance Funds from the newly created "Consolidated Fund""
  • "I applaud your determination and courage to have taken on this issue. It is very frightening to think that the funds are not being protected."
  • "Has anything regarding this challenge been in the news? I'd call the paper or News 12 to provide awareness to those who don't know and for more community support. Good luck as always. You are in our prayers."
  • "I am trying to wrap my mind around how this was allowed to happen in the first place when after reading the church documents it was very clear how these restricted funds were dollars to be protected by placing them in specific accounts."
  • "I think the operating account should be separate, and if it´s low, cuts have to be made and funds raised. People who made contributions to particular funds made a choice, and that choice should be respected."
  • "It's troubling to me that the Canon would say you aren't a member in good standing, after you have given so much of your time to the church. Maybe you should send a check for $20 to the Churchyard Fund?"

Answer to above: On August 9, 2019 I set up online giving of a small amount regularly to the Altar Guild. The donation was rejected and a credit was put on my credit card on August 12, the same day the Rector signed the sworn affidavit that I had not made any monetary contributions in 2018 or 2019!

  • "Just want to say that the court decision that allows you to retain the website is welcome news! With so much information, much mis, swirling about, it's important to have a Credible source to turn to. Thanks for your efforts!"
  • "That was  a good letter.  Thank you.  I believe  we need to be sure that nothing illegal has been done -- which is what you have been researching.  I don't feel tension about this at church.  Most people are just not talking about it.  I'm sure there's tension on the Vestry, but they also aren't saying much more recently.  I hope that the outcome is not based on a "technicality."
  • "I thank you for all the time, and unfortunately for you the personal cost, this mess has cost you."
  •  "I am extremely gratified that the issue will see the light of day in the court system.  However "the chips fall" I applaud your pursuit of an adjudicated resolution.  I was very disappointed that they chose not to meet with the AG."
  • "In closing, I love Caroline Church, but it isn't the same anymore. It was my privilege to serve on the Altar Guild for 35 years. I wish you well in your support for the future of our church Chris."
  • "The dispute has brought to the forefront the subject of the church's fiscal cliff.  If there is an upside, the awareness of the lack of funds may be the silver lining; it is the subject of much sidebar conversation."
  • "Thanks Chris for all of your work on this issue. [name] and I really appreciate it. Please advise of how we can help you with a donation, modest though it will be."
  • " I am proud of you for what you are doing here. I hope that there wasn't anything I did inadvertently on the vestry to make this worse. It has been some time since I attended there for various reasons. Some include a feeling of political angst that has no place at church. Quite sad actually. I added my name to the list to continue receiving your emails..."
  • "I was very impressed that #1 u have taken it this far. I know u feel very strongly about what was done and I personally know how u tried to deal with it quietly. And #2 the amount of research u have done. Oh my, the hours u must have spent. ... I applaud u for taking a stand over something that is so important. I will keep u in my prayers as this moves forward. I pray u n Linda are doing well health wise. God bless."
  • "Chris, I am so distressed to hear of this dispute going on in the church.  While my family no longer resides on Long Island, we all have fond memories of the church we joined and our daughters grew up in. I do request that my name be removed from your mailing list (it was removed from the church's some time ago.)  But it is our fervent  wish that this dispute be amicably resolved as quickly as possible.  There is far too much discord in the world today to have our beautiful little church and congregation caught up in this disharmony."
  • "Dear Chris,  Thank you for sending me this information.  The Caroline churchyard is where my mother is buried.  You are a man of integrity and I support you entirely.  You have renewed the faith I once had when I was an active member of the church.  God Bless You for your concern and for bringing this matter to my attention."
  • "Second, [name] and I would like to say we totally agree with your interpretation of the funds intent. Over the many years [name] has worked with Canon Paul and the many yearly meetings we attended, we have heard over and over the intent of the funds you speak of. It is truly unfortunate this method of solving the disagreement must be solved in this manner. Chris, we hope your absence is short lived. It is our hope that this no win dispute is resolved peacefully as soon as possible and you can get on with your well-deserved retirement. All the best to you and your family - our prayers are with you."