Emails to/from Vestry & Rector
- July 2016 email to Vestry objecting to the consolidation of funds. At the time it was my feeling that the Vestry could do this, but it was unwise and violated their own by-laws.
- July 2016 Rector's reply to the above email. In it he acknowledges that the new account would be used for any purpose and that he was aware that there could be issues with the consolidation violating the bylaws
- January 2017 Haring to Visconti email exchanges on website management and why I was not attending
- May 2017 email to Vestry outlining my research revealing that the consolidation was indeed unlawful. At that time I still had not found the mistaken interpretation of the 1945 minutes or the audits issued after the attempt to use Churchyard funds to pay for the playground
- Replies and exchanges over the above email. Note that after these exchanges, Ed Vitale was instructed to seek outside expert advice on the matter. One moth later, he reported that he had done so and all was fine. But he would not identify the party he dealt with, or that person's background/qualifications.
Emails to Parishioners
- August 8, 2019: first email outlining the reasons for filing the lawsuit
- August 13, 2019: reaction to the Rector's reference to me as a "former" parishioner and accusation that I had somehow hacked email addresses
- September 8, 2019: News that the church had filed a motion to dismiss, and then filed an emergency motion, seeking to take down this website.
- September 15, 2019: News that the Court had denied the effort to force the removal of this website
- October 16, 2019: a message to clear up some misconceptions about mediation announced at a "town hall" meeting, and about the "vestry put it there and can take it out" misstatement.
- October 27, 2019: Urging parishioners not to withhold their 2020 pledges.
- December 2, 2019: An update that the papers had been filed on the motion to dismiss and that no decision had been reached.
- February 17, 2020: The anonymous letter sent after the annual meeting and my response
- March 7, 2020: Announcing that the Court had dismissed the suit, not on the merits but rather on lack of standing.